
Great, you’re here to get more website traffic – so let’s get straight into it! Where is your website appearing? How easy is it to search for? How does your website look – do people find what they need on the landing page? If not, they’re likely to bounce. Did you know that 89% of website users shop with a competitor after a poor user experience? (Ledgeviewpartners). So, if these are the sorts of questions you find yourself asking then it’s about time to invest in your website.

Traffic conversions

Where is most of your traffic coming from? Online traffic will come from various sources, primarily through social media and email, as well as blog posts. So if you’re not engaging at least one of those methods, go ahead and check out our blog page for the benefits of email marketing and social media optimisation – you’ll learn how to get started here to begin converting traffic into leads.

Personalised CTAs

A call to action is a specific prompt that encourages a user’s response. This could be a ‘Book a Demo’ button on your product page. So, what is your CTA and where is it positioned on the website or blog posts? This button will lead users to submitting an event on the landing page with their info, leading them to the thank-you page which classes as a lead. We advise to start with a basic CTA on the homepage tailored to your desired action, such as ‘Book a Demo’.

Website optimisation

Once the best method is appraised in terms of optimal website traffic referrals, you’ll want to optimise the most popular pages people visit to keep them engaged, and don’t forget to compare landing page performance to keep your website optimised with fresh content. Reduced image sizes, alt tags and keywords are some of the most important aspects in helping optimise your website, as well as a continuous blog writing approach to keep your brand up to date with the latest trends in your industry. Also, make sure offers and links relate to the page they’re displayed on so you can capitalise on that interest.

Then you need to look at the conversion path from start to finish and optimise it. How easy is it to generate a lead? The best way is to A/B split test conversion paths by alternating the CTAs, landing pages and the thank-you pages to see which combinations work best for optimal click through rates.

Optimising a website can be tricky and time consuming, and we’re here to help you along that process. Momentum can analyse your current website to develop an ongoing optimisation strategy. The team will assess all discussed elements to improve traffic conversions and tracking, whilst personalsiing CTAs to optimise referrals and generate leads for maximum return on investment.

Contact the Momentum team to discuss how to optimise your website for better lead generation!